
What's the project

This is a small puzzle game project about trees. The goal of the game is to fill in all the land with trees. Each tree has its own shape. The interresting part of the puzzle is when you have to combine 2 types of trees to create a new tree type. Order also matters, so one tree over the other creates something different of you do it the other way around. Created in about 4 weeks.

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The process

I wanted to learn more about puzzle design, thus this project started. Designing the mechanics took about a week to do. Made some quick and easy levels to test. During this process i also learned alot about grid systems. Due to a script i made i could make easy levels with .txt files and load them in when i needed that level. This made it really easy to do quick level design. Later during the project i worked on art, and a big part on the shadergraph.

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Planet Image